Also she is:
– Deputy of the Rector of Sapienza for Chile and Brazil, in the Latin America area and the Caribbean countries
-Associate with collaboration assignment at the Institute of History of Mediterranean Europe (CNR)-
– Member Unesco Chair Sapienza in Population, Migration and Development
– Scientific and Director “Migrations/Migrazioni” New Culture Series Sapienza University of Rome
Research Interests
My research moves in the field of economic development and underdevelopment; history of finance; history of tourism and cultural heritage; international migrations; colonization and decolonization.
Teaching activity
– My courses are (in English and in Italian): Economic History, Global economic History; History of Bank and the financial crises; Global economic history in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Visiting experiences
– Visiting Professor Universidade de Quilmes, Luyan, UBA), Caxias do Sul (BR Rio Grande Do Sul), Columbia University (European Institute at Columbia University in the City of New York), Universidad Nacional ARTURO JAURETCHE, CVCE Luxembourg, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University of Adelaide
Participation in recent international research projects
– Project PRIN 2020 Call – “Economic development in Italy from the Middle Ages to today: a regional perspective”, sector SH1 (Economic history); -Project application PID2021-122476NB- I00 call 2021 (2022-2023) Tourism in Spain in the first third of the 20th century. Characteristics and evolution of an economic activity and a social practice in comparative perspective; -Projecto Impacto de la crisis en las Pymes del partido de Lujan, province of Buenos Aires. Extudio Exploratorio en el sector textil y lacteo (IMPYME) Investigaciòn aplicada no. 80020190600043UU 2020-2022); -Jean Monnet Project Past and Present Migration Challengers what European and American History can teach us (application no. 620748-EPP-1-2020-1-it-EPPJMO-project Erasmus+); -Project H2020 Covinform 2020-2023 (; -Project H2020 Perceptions 2019-2022 ( Memotef website).