Margherita Ciervo

    Prof. Margherita CIERVO, Phd
    University of Foggia, Department of Economics, Management and Territory
    Via da Zara, I piano, studio 7, 1 – Foggia
    Tel. 339/6894675 email:
    Fields of research
    Economic and political geography, production models and territorial effects, sustainable development, common goods, social participation and socio-spatial justice
    Past and Present functions
    – 2022-present day: Associate Professor of Economic and political geography (M-GGR/02), Department of
    Economics, Management and Territory, University of Foggia
    – 2013-present day: Associate Researcher, LAPLEC, University of Liege (Belgium)
    – 2019: Delegate of Department of Economics for “Sustainability and Environment” – University Strategic Plan 2020-2022
    – 2013: Visiting researcher in LAPLEC, University of Liege (Belgium)
    – 2011-2021: Assistant Professor, Economic and political geography, University of Foggia
    – 2010-2021: Researcher, Economic and political geography), University of Foggia
    – 2010-2011: Assessor and training in the project “Safeguard of soils and management of water resources”. SMILE
    – 2007-2008: Research grant, Geography Department, University of Bari
    Teaching activities
    – 2019-2020: Geography of finance (Master in banking, finance and markets)
    – 2016: Geography of tourism (Bachelor of Economics and Business Administration)
    – 2015: Social conflict for renewable energy (2015), Master of Project and Management of Agroenergy Systems and
    biomass” (Progesabi), University of Foggia
    – 2012-2015: Geography of enterprise, Bachelor of Economics and Business Administration
    – 2011-2022: Economic geography (Bachelor of Economics, Economics and Business Administration)
    – 2011: Geography of development (Bachelor in Economics and Trade, Bachelor in Economics of Environment and
    Territory, Bachelor of Economics of the Territorial Development)
    Main Funded Research Projects
    – PRA 2020. Scientific coordinator of the University research project “The Bioeconomy in Europe and in Italy: policies
    and territories. Socio-economic, environmental and geopolitical scenarios”. Disciplinary sectors of the members of
    the research group: M-GGR/02, SECS-P/01, SECS-P/12, SPS/11, M-DEA/01. Approved with Rectoral Decree n.
    891/2021 (Prot. N. 0030666 – III/13) of 23 June 2021
    – PRIN 2015. “Mitigazione del rischio ambientale: letture geostoriche e governance territoriale”, PRIN 2015. Prot.
    2015KT7HSJ_007, Settore ERC principale: SH3 – Social Sciences and Humanities (2017-2020).
    – 7FP 2013. Star-Agroenergy Project. Strategic & Technological Advancement in Research On Agroenergy (36
    months), 7th Framework Programme, European Union. Grant Agreement n. 286269, Università di Foggia (2013-
    – RAMPEDRE 2010-2011. Project, Rapport Mondial Permanent sur le Droit à l’Eau, IERPE (Institut Européen de
    Recherche sur les Politiques de l’Eau), with UNESCO partnership (2010-2011)
    Prizes and awards
    – 2021. Winner of the funding call for scientific publications 2021 of the University of Foggia, in memory of Gianluca
    – 2018: Third prize “Geography in a clip” and public prize, Associazione dei Geografi Italiani
    – 2011: Research grant, “Consorzio per l’Università di Capitanata”
    – 2007: Third prize “Ecologia Laura Conti”, Ecoistituto del Veneto “Alex Langer”
    – 2006: Prize “Consumo sostenibile”: Recommendation for high value of the thesis. ICU, Istituto Consumatori Utenti
    – Member of the Council of PhD in Economics, University of Foggia Cycles: XXXVII (2022)
    – Member of the Council of PhD in Economics, culture and Environment. humanities for the enhancement of
    territories, University of Foggia Cycles: XXXVI (2020), XXXVII (2021)
    – 2020-present day: PhD supervision of a candidate in Science (Science Faculty, University of Liege)
    – Member of the Council of PhD in Economic Geography, University of Bari, Cycles: XXVII, XXVIII.2

    Member of the Scientific Committee:
    – 2022: Rivista “Economia e Ambiente”, Rivista scientifica interdisciplinare di studi sul rapporto tra economia,
    ambiente e società, ISSN 1593-9499 (Rivista scientifica ANVUR)
    – 2021: Member of the Scientific committee of the Osservatorio Interdisicplinare sulla Bioeconomia
    – 2018-2019: Member of the Scientific committee of the International Conference “The most beautiful villages of the
    – 2018. Member of the Advisory Board of the 1st World Congress on Agritourism, organized by EURAC Research a
    Bolzano il 7-9 November 2018
    Member of the Referees Panel:
    – BELGEO, Revue Belge de Géographie, ISSN: 2294-9135
    – Rivista Geografica Italiana, ISSN 0035-6697
    – GEOTEMA, ISSN 1126-7798
    – Semestrale di Studi e ricerche in Geografia, ISSN 1125-5218
    – Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, ISSN 0770-7576
    – Open Agriculture, ISSN 2391-9531
    – Geopolitica, rivista dell’Istituto di Alti Studi in Geopolitica e Scienze Ausiliarie, ISBN 9788868129125
    – Scienze e Ricerche, ISSN 2283-5873
    Member of Referee list for valuation of programs and products of ministerial research. Sector: SH3_1, Environment,
    resources and sustainability (Social Sciences and Humanities: Environment, space and population: environmental studies, demography, social geography, urban and regional studies).
    Membership of scientific societies
    – 2012–present day: Member of the Società di Studi Geografici.
    – 2012–present day: Member of the Associazione dei Geografi Italiani.
    – 2004–present day: Member of the Associazione Italiana degli Insegnanti di Geografia.
    – 2003–present day: Member of the Società Geografica Italiana.
    Public engagement
    Institutional public engagement
    – Presidency of the Council of Ministers, National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences.
    February 19, 2021. Participation in the XIV Meeting of the National Coordination Group for the Bioeconomy (by
    – United Nations Human Rights, Office of the high commissioner. Participation to the audit concerning the land use
    and the olive quick decline in Apulia. 26th January 2020 (by invitation).
    – European Parliament, GUE/NGL parliamentary group, European United Left/Nordic Green Left. 5 February 2019.
    Presentation of the results of my research on the topic during the Conference “Common Goods and Environmental
    Justice – Challenges for Europe and local authorities”, Brussels (by invitation).
    – Agricultural Commission of Chambers of Deputies. Participation to the audit for the cognitive survey on the “Xylella
    emergency” in Apulia Region, 9th October 2018 (by invitation).
    – European Commission. Participation in the audit on the “Xylella emergency”, 30th May 2018
    – Italian Organic Agricultural Association (AIAB), Member of the work group on the olive quick decline and Xylella,
    January-May 2018.
    – Apulia Region. Member of the Apulia Region technical group for the public water and transformation of Acquedotto Pugliese SpA (Delibera n. 370), 2017.
    – Apulia region. Member of the Apulia Region technical group finalised to elaborate a bill for the water management
    (Delibera n. 2032), 2009.
    – 2001-2003: President of the Special Commission “Recovery of the Historical, Artistic and Cultural Heritage” at the
    III District Picone-Poggiofranco, Municipality of Bari
    – 2000: International Commission of Observers for Human Rights in Colombia
    Social public engagement
    – Public meetings, participation in radio and television programs about following main research issues: geopolitics and public water, olive quick decline and “Xylella emergency”, bioeconomy, sustainable development and territories
    – Member of the representative group for the Water Popular Law and Water Referendum (2007-2012)
    – Member of the Italian Committee of World Water Contract and the Italian Water Forum (2005-2012)