
    Undergraduate students: under this category are considered all those students enrolled in the programs with a qualifying degree. This means that at the completion of the program the student will be qualified for professional practice.

    Graduate Students: are all those who having obtained an undergraduate degree wish to continue their education at postgraduate level. To this aim, our University offers academic resources for training, updating and specializing in specific fields. The academic degrees are: specialist, magister and doctorate. The enrollment requirements and information is available at the Academic School of choice. The Academic Activities are ruled by Resolution.261 of the Upper Council of the National University of La Plata.

    Mobility Students: Under this modality are considered all those students that come from partner Universities with which the National University of La Plata has bilateral agreements. They should follow the rules and dispositions of international students of the International Relations Office. Maximum short and mid-term stays are of one academic year. According to this modality curricular and academic spaces, presented in a work plan, are certified. The mere stay is not certified nor has the student the right to a degree.

    Exchange Program Students: are all those students coming from university institutions with which the University has an agreement and has established reciprocity criteria. Academic tutors are assigned to each student, and a work plan with tutors of both institutions is designed. The corresponding academic spaces, predetermined in the work plan, are certified. The mere stay is not certified nor has the student the right to a degree. This category also included exchanges arising from the participation of the National University of La Plata in associations and memberships.  Maximum short and mid-term stays are of one academic year.