Javier Monllor

    Prof. Javier Monllor is Associate Professor of Business Management and Entrepreneurship at Oxford Brookes University, UK. He holds a doctorate in Business Management from the University of Illinois at Chicago. At Oxford Brookes he teaches Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Creating New Business Ventures and Design Thinking. Before joining Oxford Brookes he was an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at DePaul University, Chicago (2009-2017) and an Associate professor at Universidad del Desarrollo in Santiago, Chile (2017-2019).
    His research centers around the concept of entrepreneurial opportunities and looking at how different factors impact the creation/recognition of business opportunities. Along those lines, he’s conducted research on the definitions and measures researchers used to study entrepreneurial opportunities and how opportunity recognition can be studied from the perspective of creativity. More recently he’s looked at the impact that natural disasters have on entrepreneurship, specifically, to understand how natural disasters affect the perception of opportunities by those affected and how entrepreneurial theory and how entrepreneurship can serve as a tool to aid in the recovery from the impact of such events. Most recently, Javier received a grant to conduct research on the entrepreneurial behaviour of Syrian refugees in the UK. He is associate editor for the Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship.