Annamaria Vitale is professor of sociology of territory and environment, she teaches sociology of
development at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of Calabria University (Italy); she is member
of the Unical’s “Centro Studi per lo Sviluppo Rurale” (CeSSR). Her research interests focus on development
theories and international cooperation, with reference to rural development and migration on world scale.
Her most recent publications concern the innovative role of agriculture in neo-endogenous development
between global value chains and alternative food networks: (with Sivini) “Return to the Land. De-
Commodification of Local Foods in South Italy”, in Miele M. et al. (eds), Transforming the Rural, Bingley:
Emerald Group Publishing (2017); “From modernized agriculture to peasant farming: The case of Calabria,
Italy”, International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research” (2020); “La anomalía del ascenso
chino en la lectura de Giovanni Arrighi”, in Caria S. Giunta I. (a cura di), Pasado y presente de la
cooperación internacional: una perspectiva crítica desde las teorías del sistema mundo, Quito: IAEN (2020).
Currents research projects are focussing on the renewal of rural areas and the role of women in agriculture.