Vincenzo Bonazza

Vincenzo Bonazza since 2019 is associate professor for the SSD M-PED/04, competition sector 11/D2- at the Faculty of Humanities of the Pegaso Telematic University.
2016-2022: Coordinator of the Board of Study Course in Sports Science (L-22), Pegaso Telematic University.
2007 to present: Professor of Docimology, at the Faculty of Humanities, Degree Course in Education and Training Sciences of the Telematic University “Pegaso” (Naples).
Monographs or scientific treatises
2021 – V. Bonazza, Individualization and school. The learning model, the didactic strategy, the empirical research, Franco Angeli, Milan.
2022 –V. Bonazza, B. Vertecchi, Rethinking the school. Evaluate for long times, Anicia, Rome.
Articles in Class A journals
2022 – V. Bonazza, Behavioral Science. Theoretical Models of Learning and Methodological Practices for Teaching, “QTIME. Journal of Education Technology and Social Studies”, 1.